Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The problems of stainless steel pipe fittings processing and transportation

Stainless steel pipe fitting is a kind of pipe fittings, stainless steel material is it made so called stainless steel pipe fittings, it includes: stainless steel elbow, stainless steel tee, cross stainless steel, stainless steel reducer, stainless steel pipe cap, etc., according to join method can be pided into the socket type stainless steel pipe fittings, flanges threaded stainless steel pipe fittings, stainless steel pipes and welded stainless steel pipe fittings four classes. Stainless steel elbow is used for fitting the turning places; Flange is used to make the pipe with pipe connecting parts, connection pipe, stainless steel tee to the meeting-place of three pipe; Stainless steel cross pipe used in the meeting-place of four pipe; Stainless steel reducer used for different pipe diameter of two pipes are connected. Main material: stainless steel 304 l, 304 l, 304, 304, 310, 321, etc.

Processing and the related knowledge of transportation:

1. Stainless steel pipe fittings of multi-channel multi-layer welding arc used to welding, arc should fill arc crater. Banned in pipes and pipe fittings of the surface of the parent metal arc or the arc. By playing the arc or the arc found defects such as blowholes, cracks should be clean.

2. When the tack welding seam inside should be filled argon protection.

3. Stainless steel pipe fittings cutting cannot use the ordinary grinding wheel cutting, should use the special grinding wheel piece or plasma cutting.

4. After welding for pipe fittings for pickling and passivation.

5. In material handling, can’t direct contact with other metals, should be padded non-metallic materials such as wood or rubber sheet.

Source: China Pipe Fitting Manufacturer – wilsonpipeline Pipe Industry Co., Limited (www.wilsonpipeline.com)

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