Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Ferritic Stainless Steel Grades Comparison Table By wilsonpipeline.com

The Ferritic Stainless Steel Grades Comparison Table is intended to relate former BS, EN, German and Swedish grade designations to the current EN steel numbers, AISI grades and UNS numbers. The table is based on the ‘wrought’ ie long products (stainless steel bars etc), pipe products (stainless steel pipes etc) stainless steel numbers published in EN 10088 and related standards. 
Casting products use different composition and so have their own stainless steel numbers in EN 10283. The related castings grades in both EN 10283 and BS 3100 are included in the table.

The Chemical ‘Composition’ is intended to represent the composition only. This does not show the specified or typical compositions of commercially available steel. Specified ranges for the wrought European grades can be found in either the EN 10088-2 or EN 10088-3 tables.
Most of the specified ranges for the ‘BS’ grades can be found in the BS 1449 or BS 970 tables. The castings grades specified ranges can be found in the EN 10283 or BS 3100 tables.

These are comparisons only and cannot be assumed to be direct equivalent grades. The data given is not intended to replace that shown in inpidual standards to which reference should always be made.

Ferritic Stainless Steel Grades Comparison Table

EN 10088Common NamesBS WroughtAISIUNSENGerman DINSSEN 10283BS CastingChemical Composition
1.4002405S17405S40500X6CrAl130.08x120.2 Al
1.4510430Ti439S43035X6CrTi170.05x170.6 Ti
1.4511430NbX6CrNb170.05x170.6 Nb
1.4512409S19409S40900X6CrTi120.03x110.5 Ti
1.4520X2CrTi170.025x170.5 Ti:0.015N
1.4521444S44400X2CrMoTi18-20.025x1720.6 Ti
1.4526436S43600X2CrMoNb17-10.08x171.20.6 Nb
1.4592X2CrMoTi2-40.025x284.00.6 Ti
1.4605X2CrAlTi18-20.03x170.6 Ti:2.0 Al

Note Chemical composition figures are intended to be representative of the grade, not typical. ‘x’ indicates a maximum

Source: wilsonpipeline Pipe Industry Co., Limited (www.wilsonpipeline.com)

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